Thursday, April 26, 2012


         The purpose of this blog today is to show and explain how is the process of looking and preparing for an employment abroad, so that it can be a successful process in which you would obtain a really good job some experience in your knowledge area. The essential steps are to search, prepare, deliver and wait. This process it involves knowledge about the country especially in the language and in the culture, you also have to know which documents you have to deliver and information about the enterprise.  The main aspect that we are going to touch in this blog what thing you should have in mind, at least, when you decide to have a job abroad, explained them the most clearly and punctual.
         The thing that I think is that are important when you are searching for a job, are: you know the culture and the language of that country, does this job is the one that you want, and the documentation that you have to deliver. If you don’t know, at least, the essential language of the country you want to work at, this can be a really big obstacle in the way to communicate to the other persons in your professional, social and other areas, because when you are trying to say something and if you don’t make yourself understood it can convert a really big problem later in the future, and also in the cultural part, some countries have really big differences with other cultures, for example when in a country some sign can be a good expression, in other country can be defined as a really bad sign, this is really related with the communication, being verbal or non-verbal. Another very important part is to know if you really want this job, because first of all you have to remember is that you are going to live for a time in your life completely alone, may wit out any of your families and friend around you, also you would have to be sure that this job has to make you happy and that is valid for the big sacrifice that you would be doing. And last but not least the documentation that you need for applying for this job, after you pass this process you need prepare your passport and all the documentations so that you can apply for the work visa in that country.
      In conclusion is important to remember always to be informed about the job and country you would want to be in a future, so that you can have it in your mind to be searching about everything, specially the learning the language and being informed about the culture and being prepare for a really new and big adventure in your life, that brings you more knowledge and maturity. I have planned to study my specialize in Brazil or in Argentina, so I already start searching about the possibilities to applied so that I can start working and studying and the same time, and the next semester I´m planning to study Portuguese in my university.